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Fusion 84 Kolečkové Brusle Pánské

Položka vyprodána. Nelze doručit
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Pevná a odolná bota Fusion 84 vás provede městem s maximální kontrolou. Dodává se také s deskami s duší, které vám umožní dělat stánky a menší grindování.
Skvělou kontrolu umožňuje krátká vzdálenost mezi koly (273 mm) a skvělá opora manžety a přezek.


Průměr kolečka:
Materiál rámu:
Typ boty:
Vlastnosti vnitřní botičky:
Odnímatelná, Technologie V-Cut, Tlumení vibrací, Šněrovací
Šněrování, Přezka, Suchý zip (VELCRO)
Klasifikace a přesnost ložisek:
Tvrdost koleček:
Druh rámu:
Plochý/flat setup
Max. průměr koleček:
Materiál boty:
Materiál vložky:
Komín (cuff):
Vysoká boční opora, V-Cut (výřez vzadu)
Zahrnuto (volitelné)
Ukázat vše

recenze   (9)

"My best skates so far. Tough as hell and very comfortable. I'm size 42, ordered 42 as well and they fit perfectly. I can't get enough of them! 84mm wheels are just perfect size for urban skating. They simply cut through any city obstacles as a dream. I would recommend this skates to anyone into free ride."
Pawel Piatek (London) 25. 11. 2013
Ověřený kupující
"I am very happy with my BR fusions. I used to have some cheap spiritblades, and these are so incredible compared. I use them mostly in Oslo to work or going around, and they are great for city skating. If I encounter some stairs or obstacles I can trust my skates to be stable, balanced and shock absorbing. I also think they roll really good. Not so good on very rough ground or cobblestone, but I can get very high speed on normal pavement. I bought my shoe size, 42 euro. I sometimes wonder if I should get one size larger. They fit perfectly, and I read in several forums that you should get the actual size for a better fit. The problem is that my right foot toe bumps into the hard shell. If I ride on a lot of rough ground or do many jumps, then I can get quite sore. I don't know if one size larger would make a loose fit. Overall I really love the skates."
Torfinn Dahl (Oslo) 05. 09. 2013
"Er kjempe fornøyd den røller bra, eneste jeg må bli vant til øverste binding som jeg kan ikke strammes nok etter min smak, men ellers kjempe fornøyd"
Bram Snijders (Berlevåg) 17. 06. 2013
Ověřený kupující
"Jättebra service! Fick produckten inom en vecka efter beställning. Valde storlek 46 (min storlek), fast hade kunnat köra med en halv eller hel storlek större; dock har jag inte haft några problem."
Nikolaj Fehrm (Falun) 16. 05. 2013
"God service og hurtig levering fra skatepro og skaten er kanon fed!"
Joakim Bassø Gommesen (Nyborg) 06. 07. 2012
"Hopefully I have ordered half size more, it fits perfectly… the delivery have been made really fast I got them in lest than a week... everything in order thanks.."
Carlos Osorio 01. 06. 2012
"My shoe size is 43 and I order a 43 just a tiny bit to small so I will order a size 44. Other then that a great skate. I tested Seba FR1 but for me this was a better choice. The shoe is the same as Rollerblade X5 and if you buy Rollerblade Fusion X5 Frame with a pare of 80 mm wheels you will have a complete new skate to do some urban skating with."
Måns Zigher (Malmö) 11. 06. 2011
"Goeie skates, maar veel te breed voor mijn voeten. Moeten nog aangepast worden met andere binnenschoenen en buckles ipv. veters en straps."
Marnix van den Broek (Groningen) 06. 06. 2011
"Alt i orden.Takk"
Arkadiusz Brodowski (hønefoss) 11. 05. 2011